If you don’t need an excavator over the long-term, it may be more fiscally responsible to rent one instead. Perhaps your budget simply can’t accommodate an entire excavator with all the responsibilities and additional costs that ownership entails, like maintenance and storage fees, or maybe you really only need the excavator to complete a single project. Either way, it’s important to know that you’re renting the right model for your needs and that it’s in good working order. 

FMI Equipment in Spokane Valley is your Washington State excavator rental headquarters. As such, we’ve provided the following guide to help you inspect your excavator rental and make sure that it’s the right fit for your needs.

Why Perform An Inspection At All?

Good question! The truth is that there may be damage to the excavator that was neglected or missed by the people who fixed it up after the last rental, and you need a machine that operates correctly for the safety of yourself and anyone on your worksite. Also, you don’t want to be held responsible for any damage that already exists on the excavator, even if it’s just cosmetic. Use your cell phone to take photos of anything you see that’s amiss and make notes of any parts that don’t work correctly.

Look Over The Frame

Give your excavator a once-over from top to bottom to see how worn its parts are. You should look for uneven wear, as this is indicative of a structural issue that is causing the entire frame of the excavator to tilt to one side. Take note of any little ding or scratch as well.

Test The Hydraulic Arm

The most important part of the excavator is its hydraulic arm, which is the key to your productivity and success. Examine the hydraulic system that holds the arm as well as the arm itself. If the leaser will permit you to do so, test out the arm to see how it operates and whether it sticks or makes any strange noises. Testing how the arm moves will be the best sign of how the entire excavator performs. Examine the attachments that come with the rental for any signs of wear or damage, also.

Check Tires

As the base of your excavator, the tires need to be in peak condition before you take an excavator home. Make sure they are aired up correctly to the psi levels specified for that particular make and model and examine each tire for signs of damage, such as bald spots. Ask how old the tires are, too; it’s never good to drive on worn or bad tires.

Examine The Engine

Your excavator will derive its power from the engine, which has to propel the entire machine forward in addition to powering the hydraulic system. Examine the fluid levels and condition of each type of fluid and inquire about recent oil changes. Look for hose leaks and dirty filters. Make a note of any damage you find so you can address it before you take the excavator home.

Looking for excavators for sale near Spokane, WA? Visit our dealership in Spokane Valley to check out our full stock of new and used excavators for sale. We also offer rentals if you’re interested in renting an excavator from a reputable local dealer instead. Don’t forget to talk to our staff about our financing options as well. FMI Equipment proudly serves all our Washington and Idaho customers in the areas of Spokane, WA, and Coeur d'Alene, ID.